Friendship is a really important part of human life and our football for tots will help your child to make friends before they start school which can be an overwhelming environment for many, making forming friendships harder. Our classes bring children together from a young age, helping them to form bonds that could last them a lifetime. 

Before we get started on how they will help, let’s look further into why friendship is such an important part of all our lives. 

Why Is Friendship So Important?

There are many benefits to childhood friendships such as: 

  • Making and maintaining friendships helps to support your child’s emotional and social development. 
  • They help children to build empathy.
  • Having friends helps to build your child’s self-confidence and happiness and helps them to have a more optimistic outlook on life. 
  • Having positive friendships lessens stress and encourages good behaviour. 

Making friends from an early age, with children that they share an interest with, will have  huge benefits throughout their childhood and their life as a whole. 

How Our Football For Tots Will Help Them Make Friends Before School 

Our football for tots will help your child to make friends before they head off to school. Here we will discuss how they will help this to happen. 

Bringing Them Together With Other Children

Our football for tots will bring your child together with children of the same or similar age. The children they meet will be at a similar developmental level, they will have the same interests (football for one!) and there is a chance that they will live near you and your child and attend the same school. This will help them to further develop and maintain the friendship outside of our classes and as they grow up.  

Helping Them Develop Their Social Skills

Joining our football for tots will help you children with their social skills and social skills are a really important part of your child’s development. 

Having good social skills will benefit your child for their entire life because they help them to interact with the world around them. They support them throughout their education, their employment and their mental health. 

Encouraging Teamwork And Cooperation

As your child works their way through our classes, they will begin working in pairs and small groups with the other children. This will encourage teamwork and cooperation which are crucial parts of forming and maintaining friendships.

Knowing how to be a part of a team, to cooperate and be patient are all big parts of social development and our football for tots will help them with this. 

Helping Everyone To Feel Included 

All children are different. Some are natural leaders, some are shy, some are neurodivergent. Some children are naturally sporty, others take more time to learn the skills. 

With our football for tots, we celebrate every win your child has and we will also help them in any area that they feel less confident. Each child will have an individual approach to their coaching and you, the parent, will be there to help every step of the way. 

Helping each child to develop at their own pace will help them to gain confidence which will aid them in forming friendships. 

Making Friends Before School With Our Football For Tots

Friendships are an important part of life and our football for tots can help your child form them before they reach school, which can be an overwhelming environment to begin forming friendships. 

Our football for tots will help because it will bring your child together with children of a similar age and it will help them to learn social skills and teamwork. Each child will feel included because we take an individual approach to each child. 

If you would like to know more about our football for tots, please click here to find your local class.