Having your child be active from an early age is really important. It will help them to develop a love of physical activity that they will keep with them as they grow up. Within this article, we will talk about the importance of getting your child started early when it comes to physical activity and what our baby classes have on offer.

The Importance of Being Active From A Young Age
It is important that your child is active. Physical activity in children promotes bone health, encourages healthy growth and development of muscle, and improves motor and cognitive development.
But how active should a baby be?
Physical Activity For A Baby
Babies, those under 1 year old, should be encouraged to be active throughout the day, every day. This can be through activities such as crawling around the house or through attending our baby classes. If they aren’t yet crawling, they should be encouraged to reach for things, pull and push and move their head.
An Inactive Child Grows Into An Inactive Adult
It is important that we encourage physical activity from a young age because your child will develop a love of physical activity that will stay with them as they grow up.
A recent study has found that 31% of the adult world population are physically inactive. Physical inactivity can lead to a whole host of health problems in both children and adults so it is very important to instill a love of physical activity at as young an age as possible.
And that is where our baby classes come into play.
What Our Baby Classes Have On Offer
Your child can start at our baby classes from 6 months old and they will attend a weekly class during the school term time.
At 6 months old to 1 year old, your child will be in our Phase 1 sessions. These baby classes are 30 minutes long and they focus on developing your child’s motor skills and cognitive skills. They will do activities designed for non-walking babies which will aim at developing their coordination, leg movements and helping them to learn to sit.
Within phase 1, your child will also begin to develop their social skills, personality, communication and language skills, counting basics and physical development.
Find A Baby Class Near You
We have over 90 baby classes across the UK, Ireland and the Channel Islands, each offering expert coaching that will help your child with their development and help them grow a love of physical activity.
Find your local class here.
Getting Your Child Started Early With Our Baby Classes
It is really important that you get your child participating and enjoying physical activity at an early age. And our baby classes are here to help you do that.
Physical activity at an early age is important as it helps your child to stay healthy, physically and mentally, and it also encourages a love of physical activity that will stay with them throughout their entire life.
Our baby classes are a perfect way to get your child active as they offer age appropriate, fun activities that will help your child to develop a variety of skills.
Our baby classes will help to start your child off to a healthy, happy life.
If you would like to know more about our baby classes, please click here to find out more.