Football classes are a great way to get your child involved in a sport and sport is very good for children. Our toddlers classes are a great way to get them involved but if you want to help them before classes or in-between classes, there are many things you can do. 

In this article, we will be looking at why doing sport is so good for children and how you can help them improve before their toddler classes

How Sport Will Help Your Child 

Sports toddler classes are great for children because they get your child moving which is extremely good for your child’s physical and mental health.  

Evidence shows that children who are more active have more confidence, higher self-esteem, less anxiety and stress, and better social skills. These are all attributes that will help them deal with the challenges they face in daily life, in their childhood and as they get older. 

The earlier you get your child active the better because this will help your child to develop an ongoing love of being active and sport. 

When Can They Start At Toddler Classes? 

When your child can start at their toddler classes is entirely dependent on where you are thinking of taking them.

With our football classes, your child can begin as young as 6 months old. 

How To Help Before And In-Between Toddler Classes

In order to help your child’s football skills before and in-between toddler classes, there are many simple things you can do. 

Practice Skills At Home

This might seem obvious but a really great way to help your child improve their football skills before toddler classes is to practice some skills at home. 

If they are already in a toddler class, just practice the skills that the coach was doing with them at home. 

Give Them A Healthy Diet 

A healthy diet will help their body to develop better and they will recover better after training sessions and matches. 

A healthy diet for your child is just a good idea in general. It is important that they have a healthy, balanced diet to make sure all the nutrients they need for their body to grow and work properly and for them to feel good. 

Set Realistic Goals 

At toddler classes, your child will be working with you and the coach. As they get older, they will begin working in pairs and small groups, with children the same age and level as them. 

It is important, throughout all their toddler classes, to set small, realistic goals for each class and praise your child for meeting these goals. This will help your child to feel good and confident. 

Help Your Child Improve In Between Toddler Classes 

Sport is really good for children and, if your child is attending toddler classes, you may want to help them in between classes. There are many ways that you can do this like practising skills with them when they are at home and making sure they eat a healthy diet. It is also really important that you set realistic goals for your child and praise them for reaching these goals. 
If you would like to know more about our toddler classes, please click here.